The law is an anti-abortion effort that has been tried in several states, usually with the same result: They’re ruled unconstitutional.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for October 2013

Once again we in Minnesota have prematurely reached the stage of the football season where the only Super Bowl-related discussion still worth having is about the Super Bowl commercials. Read more →

Baseball is using the World Series to highlight some great causes. Read more →
We seeing the beginning of the exit of some familiar voices from NPR as the public radio organization cuts 10 percent of its staff because of financial tough times. Read more →

The call of the green in the Oil Patch, do your trust your teenage driver, the stuff people try to sneak onto planes, how 35,000 people comforted a dying man, and more proof that kids are alright. Read more →

As near as we’ve been able to tell, Daniel Alvarez, the onetime corporate lawyer who chucked it all to kayak from Minnesota to Key West, got there in March and decided to kayak back, has made it back to the Northwest Angle.
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It’s a fine line the Boston Red Sox have been walking in recent months with its emphasis on ‘Boston Strong,’ the rallying cry of the city in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing. Read more →
One of my favorite readers has submitted this obituary from the Rapid City Journal for our continuing series, ‘The Art of the Obit,’ which highlights those obituaries that break the cliche and chronicle the life of the deceased in a more human way. It doesn’t get more human, perhaps, than a young woman who drank herself to death. Read more →

Eleven years ago tomorrow night, Garrison Keillor had the most unenviable job in Minnesota. Read more →
Even more troubling: He comes from a long line of Vikings fans. Read more →

Patsy checks out, Adrian Peterson’s failure, making it OK to talk about mental illness, marinating in the online comment muck, and why do people want to get married amid cows? Read more →
How the health care website ended up such a mess, Wisconsin’s attempt to limit mining regulations, the latest on the teacher killing in Massachusetts, Nienstedt says were made, swimming for the arts, and the most distant galaxy ever discovered. Read more →
It’s getting so you can’t build a football stadium for $1 billion anymore. Read more →
If you buy your own health insurance, and particularly if you have a pre-existing condition and an older “guaranteed issue” policy, there’s a fair chance you’re getting canceled, Kaiser Health News is reporting. Read more →

Whatever happened to this police officer? Now we know. Lt. John Pike, who pepper-sprayed protesting students at the University of California Davis, was awarded $38,056 in a worker’s compensation case this week. The Davis Enterprise says Pike, who was fired not long after the incident, suffered from depression and anxiety after nationwide death threats. “ Read more →