The Fargo Theatre is one of many trying to come up with money to modernize its equipment before industry standards change next year.
From MPR News editor Bill Wareham: Hostess announced today it plans to go out of business, prompting cries of anguish from Twinkie lovers everywhere. Personally, I won’t be shedding a tear – not because I don’t like Twinkies, but because I enjoyed a lifetime’s worth in about a three-year span in a place I like Read more →
Scott Olson/Getty Images I was much more of a Devil Dogs guy. Growing up in New England, the Drake’s company ruled my snack world with Ring Dings, Yodels, Devil Dogs and the Drake’s coffee cake in all its golden crumbly goodness. Yes, I’m reminiscing today about the snacks of my childhood. You probably are, too, Read more →
Remember when Duluth was vying for the big Google Fiber project? It lost to Kansas City and now, finally, some homes are getting hooked up to the really big pipes. Excerpt from the Google Fiber blog: This coulda been you, Duluth. I found this on Twitter, along with all my news of the day. Bob Read more →
I used to be a tech journalist and, if today’s News Cut posts tell me anything, I guess I’m still pretty interested in tech-related stories. All day I’ve been getting my news just from Twitter links and sharing what I’m reading. The latest: Petraeus Case Raises Fears About Privacy in Digital Era – New York Read more →
All day I’m trying to get all my news from the folks i wach on Twitter. Here’s another tweet that caught my attention, followed by a clip of the article to which it links. I want to throw up: Facebook launches ‘Couples’ Pages. psfk.com/2012/11/facebo… — Molly Rasmussen (@mollyrasmussen) November 13, 2012 Bob Collins is off Read more →
I learned by following a link in a tweet that this tweet is the most retweeted tweet of all time. Four more years. twitter.com/BarackObama/st… — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 7, 2012 In the Huffington Post, Simon Mainwaring writes that the Obama team demonstrated a strong grasp of social media branding: I’m getting all my news Read more →
I’m trying to let only my Twitter followers help me decide what to look at on the Internet today. I picked this one up via Jim Romenesko. Reporter who wrote “Marijwhatnow” press release: Seattle PD knew what they’d be in for when they hired me. bit.ly/Tw536R — Romenesko (@romenesko) November 13, 2012 Here’s a clip Read more →