A broadcaster delivers the news, and then makes some himself.
Although a lot of kids are leaving for college this weekend, we still have another couple of weeks of summer left to go. We stopped at the Truro “transfer station” on Cape Cod the other day while leaving the ocean for the mountains and I captured this magnificent statement on what the end of summer Read more →
Gawker has a nice little twist on those inane “Best Of” lists, the kind we wrote about earlier this week that pegged Chanhassen as, like, one of the crazy best towns in the whole U.S.A. Gawker’s gawkery-take: The Worst 50 States in America. Cheeky. The least worst state, according to New York-based Gawker? New York. Read more →
The moose, a freakishly large mammal, is in the news today. And so is the capybara, a freakishly large rodent. In our Today’s Question feature we asked: Minnesota’s moose population is in sharp decline, but the DNR says hunting is not the reason. State officials would like to ban the feeding of deer, a practice Read more →
Our humble metro area is popping up on a few awesome sauce lists lately. Money magazine, for example, says five Twin Cities suburbs are among the 100 best small towns in the U.S. In descending order: Shoreview (52) Savage (51) Lino Lakes (44) Arden Hills (14) Chanhassen (10) Says Money: Despite some 2011 budgetary brouhahas Read more →
Thirteen percent of American mobile phones users employ their devices for avoiding meatspace social contact, according to a new survey on how people use their phones from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Surprised it’s not higher, actually. I’ve done this and I bet you have, too. “Cell phones can help prevent unwanted personal Read more →