Emily Seru, a Washington State native, gives voice to the combination of trepidation and excitement that is accompanying the Central Corridor light-rail project on St. Paul’s University Avenue.
Everyone has a story that should be told about themselves, their neighborhood, or someone they know. Occasionally, I set up at a table in a coffee shop and interview people who stop in. Today, I set up at the SugaRush Coffee Shop on University Avenue in St. Paul. Here’s another story: When I ask people Read more →
Everyone has a story that should be told about themselves, their neighborhood, or someone they know. Occasionally, I set up at a table in a coffee shop and interview people who stop in. Today, I set up at the SugaRush Coffee Shop on University Avenue in St. Paul. Here’s another story: Atom Robinson could easily Read more →
In case you missed Midmorning’s financial educator Ruth Hadyen on the radio today, here is some of the advice she offered to listeners: 1) What’s considered a good credit score is creeping up. The high-600s used to be considered good, but now you need to be in the 720-760 range. 2) The two most important Read more →
Bob Collins is asking questions today at SugaRush coffee shop, 712 University Avenue in St. Paul, until around noon. Stop in to say hello. In the meantime, and in honor of his Monday Morning Rouser, we present a Friday morning downer: Bill Callahan singing “Too Many Birds” at Waterloo Records in Austin, Texas. I find Read more →