The Mall of America’s DHS film is more likely to appeal to the art-house crowd.
Citing “insiders,” Politico reports that Minneapolis has almost no chance of landing the Democratic National Convention for 2012. With the site of the 2012 Democratic convention expected to be decided in a matter of weeks, insiders in the selection process believe it has come down to a choice between St. Louis and Charlotte, N.C., with Read more →
In a thoroughly unscientific exercise, you told us that Mark Dayton is Minnesotan of the Year. On Today’s Question we asked, “Time Magazine announced its choice Wednesday for Person of the Year: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Who would be your pick for Minnesotan of the year?” Fourteen of 48 respondents nominated the Minnesota Governor-elect. Among Read more →
Oh Google, how you disappoint us. Duluth and other Minnesota cities that applied to be home to a super-high-speed fiber network promised by Google are being forced to wait until next year for a decision. Google has concluded it got too many applications. From Google: Earlier this year we announced an experiment we hope will Read more →
As part of the MPR News feature “Today’s Question” we asked, “What could your city do better in removing snow?” Despite snow problems that persist for drivers and pedestrians almost three full days after the last flake fell, many people who’ve responded so far seem rather satisfied: “All things considered, I think Minneapolis is doing Read more →
This photo was submitted to the MPR News Facebook page by Ellie Skelton of Minneapolis One of the key differences between the 1991 Halloween mega-storm and the 2010 Domebuster (both of which I helped cover for MPR News) is in the way we are able to share the misery and joy with each other through Read more →
A recent Labor Department report found that older people who lose their jobs take longer to find work, and that more than 2 million people without work are over 50, according to Midmorning. The first hour of the show featured a discussion about the challenges facing educated, experienced workers looking for a jobs. It was Read more →