We can live without Jon Stewart’s comedy when he gives up his gig on The Daily Show later this year. But his astounding grilling of New York Times reporter Judith Miller last night was a reminder that we’ll be hard-pressed to replace his journalistic chops when it comes to interviewing, or — more accurately — his refusal to be a megaphone for newsmakers peddling garbage. Read more

As expected, NPR is ending its relationship with its ombudsman, Edward Schumacher-Matos. His contract expires at the end of the month and isn’t being renewed. His demise was nearly a foregone conclusion since his astonishing seven-part “investigation” into NPR’s series on the removal of Native American children from their homes in South Dakota, an investigation Read more

What’s our ally — Turkey — doing today? Oh nothing, just using water cannons on journalists who are trying to cover the protests against the government there. @dlepeska She is Ulusal TV reporter Husna Sari, Hurriyet reports. #Turkey http://t.co/EIAbkd7qkD @oemoral pic.twitter.com/YWHvRqnKAw — Merlinka (@Meralink) February 13, 2014 Here’s another angle. Fifty-nine journalists have been forced Read more