A glance around the ‘news’ coverage of the Super Bowl shows the National Football League has done it again. It’s convinced the skeptical world of journalism to fall head over heels over the celebrities who latch onto the Super Bowl, and the theater surrounding the “big game.” It’s hard to tell where the public relations arm of the NFL ends and journalism begins when a Super Bowl comes to town. The league’s ability to tamp down a discouraging word is how the NFL has become a billion-dollar non-profit organization.
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Where football is concerned, it’s getting to be that charity begins on the road.

A week after Minnesota fans inundated a New Orleans Saints player’s charitable foundation with cash in admiration for his sportsmanship, Philadelphia fans — some of them, anyway — are pouring money into Minnesota Vikings coach Mike Zimmer’s charitable foundation, too. Read more

Those of us who don’t know the ins-and-outs of sled-dog racing take it for granted that the sport is just another idyllic Minnesota activity. Hook the dogs up… tell them to go… and the musher gets a free ride. We get lovely photographs.

Sometimes you get this photograph, which Blair Braverman, of Mountain, Wis., posted this afternoon to her Twitter feed. Read more