Whenever I’ve gone off to cover the Minnesota delegation at a Democratic National Convention, there’s always one Democratic member of the state’s congressional delegation I never see, and whose name is never uttered — Rep. Collin Peterson.

A Washington Post analysis today of votes in Congress shows why: No other Democrat in the House votes against his party more than Peterson. Read more

We don’t like to admit it, but many of us are closer to rock bottom than we might think.

Even TV news celebrities — a high-ego community if ever there was one — aren’t shielded from the ‘shame’ we tend to heap on people who are unemployed. The Great Recession should’ve taught us how vulnerable we are to the whims of employers and a shaky economy, and to think about what we’d do when the ax falls.
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The price of gasoline jumped in the Twin Cities today, hitting $2.79 a gallon in most locations. It’s a lot better than a year ago, of course, but it’s a lot higher than a few months ago.

The experts said the economy would get a big boost because we’d spend the money we didn’t spend on gas on things that might get the economy humming a little more.

It’s as if the experts have never met the motoring public. Read more